
How Much are DUI Fines in Virginia?

In addition to the jail time and driver’s license suspension you face for a Virginia DUI charge, you also face the potential for very high fines. These fines increase based on the number of prior DUI/DWI charges you have or the unique facts of your case. Understanding these fines and the many hidden costs of a DUI is important.

Our Manassas DUI lawyers help you understand what potential fines you face and the other criminal penalties involved in Virginia DUI case. Speak with us today so we can analyze your unique situation. 

Fines Based Upon Prior Convictions

The fines and penalties for a DWI increase based upon whether this is your first offense or a subsequent one. Penalties and fines increase with each additional conviction. Fines for your DUI offense may include:

  • First DUI Offense: A minimum fine of $250 up to a maximum possible fine of $2,500
  • Second DUI Offense: A minimum fine of $500 up to a maximum possible fine of $2,500
  • Third and Subsequent DUI Offenses: A minimum fine of $1,000 up to a maximum possible fine of $2,500

In each of these cases, the actual fine you will pay is determined by the court. The court may consider several factors in making the decision, including the severity of the crime, unique circumstances, or even the judge’s own feelings towards fines.

Unique and Enhanced Fines for Special DUI Cases

Special circumstances may result in other fines that you could face. These include:

  • Commercial Drivers: Those with a commercial driver’s license (CDL) face strict penalties for a DUI. This includes a fine of up to $2,500 and the potential loss of their CDL, which can have a significant economic impact on the defendant.
  • Underage DUI: Underage drivers with a BAC of .02 or more could face a $500 fine or more in addition to the other penalties they face.
  • High BAC Levels: Drivers with a BAC of .20 or higher face extra jail time and an additional $500 fine.
  • Transporting Minors While Intoxicated: If a driver has minor children in the vehicle they could face fines of $1,000 or more.
  • Injuries in an Accident: If the driver is convicted of causing an injury while intoxicated, this is a Class 6 felony called DUI maiming. They face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $2,500.

Other Costs of Your DUI/DWI in Virginia

In addition to the fines that are part of your criminal sentence, you could face many other costs as well. Some will occur before you are sentenced and many can follow you for many years after your conviction.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • The cost of bail or bond to be released from jail following your arrest
  • The costs of attending the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP)
  • Vehicle towing and impound costs
  • The costs of installing an interlock ignition device and its monthly expenses
  • License suspension and reinstatement fees
  • The cost of high-risk automobile insurance
  • Loss of employment and its resulting income
  • Costs of finding alternative transportation during a driver’s license suspension
  • Costs of a substance abuse program

While these costs are not true “fines” under the law, they are costs you will likely face due to your DUI conviction. It is crucial that you fight back against the charges against you to limit what costs you potentially face.

Ask a Virginia DUI Defense Attorney About the Fines You Face

Understanding exactly what fines and costs you face will depend on your situation. A judge may impose a fine in the lower range for first-time and less severe cases, but every case is different. Your attorney can help you understand what fines and collateral costs you might face in your individual case.

Speak to the Virginia criminal defense lawyers from Battlefield Law Group PLLC to learn more Contact us today for a free consultation.