dui cost

What Is the Most a DUI Can Cost?

Do you face DUI charges in Virginia? If so, you likely have a lot of questions. You likely wonder about the potential penalties, the impacts on your criminal record, and even the costs of a DUI. Many people ask: What is the most a DUI can cost? There is no definitive answer to this question, but we explore the possible costs, fines, and more that can impact you.

Our Manassas criminal defense lawyers at Battlefield Law Group PLLC help you understand how much a Virginia DUI can cost. Our team offers a free consultation to help you get started and understand what you face.

Understanding the “Costs” of a Virginia DUI Conviction

There are many different “costs” that could affect your from a Virginia DUI. Most people first think about the cost of a lawyer, but these are far from the only expenses you could incur from a conviction. There can also be many hidden costs that seem endless, especially if you fail to properly defend your rights in court.

Criminal Fines

One of the costs many people forget are the potential fines you face from your DUI. Under Virginia law, you could face fines of $250 up to a maximum of $2,500 even for a first conviction. The mandatory minimums can increase drastically if you have any prior convictions.

Fines can also increase if you face accompanying criminal charges, such as property damage charges or involuntary manslaughter allegations. Fines can quickly increase in these situations.

Community Service

You may be sentenced to community service if you are convicted of a DUI. This will mean unpaid work volunteering for a civic group or nonprofit. Many people forget to calculate this potential cost into their thinking when facing a DUI.

Jail Time and Lost Income

Under Virginia law, you could face up to 12 months in jail for a first DUI conviction. Jail or prison sentences can be even longer if you have prior DUIs on your record. Jail time will increase the costs on your life because you are unable to work. This lost income could have a significant impact on your life and that of your family.

Increased Car Insurance Costs

Auto insurance rates are based on your estimated risk to the insurance company. Those with a DUI conviction on their record nearly always face higher-cost insurance on their motor vehicle. In fact, you will likely have to utilize high-risk SR-22 insurance which can be very costly. It is often double or even triple of the cost you had to pay before to insure your vehicle.

Understanding the Costs of Legal Representation

Another cost of a strong DUI defense is for legal representation. A highly experienced DUI defense attorney may charge for their services through:

  • A Flat Fee: A flat fee means you will pay a certain amount and that will cover you for the entire representation. This is an estimate of the cost it will take to represent your case but offers you a definite amount so that you know more about your expenses.
  • Hourly Rate: An hourly rate charges a certain amount per hour that the attorney spends on your case. The attorney chooses a fair and appropriate rate based on their skill, record, and experience.

How much a lawyer will cost depends greatly on the complexity of your case and your individual circumstances.

Defend Against Your DUI Charges in Virginia

At Battlefield Law Group PLLC, we know that cost is on your mind. Our highly skilled team helps protect you against unforeseen costs to help limit the financial impact on your life. Speak with us to learn about how we can help. 

Contact us today for a free consultation of your case