tips for avoiding dui

Tips for Avoiding a DUI

A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is an extremely serious offense. It is one that can affect your freedom, finances, and ability to drive. You want to avoid a DUI conviction when you can to avoid these many problems. We discuss tips for avoiding a DUI in Virginia and what to do during a DUI stop.

Our Manassas criminal defense lawyers at Battlefield Law Group PLLC stand ready to help you. Whether you currently face a DUI charge or are looking for tips to avoid one, we have the information and guidance you need.

1. Avoid Drinking Before You Drive

The simplest advice to avoid a DUI is to avoid drinking before you drive. Consuming alcohol can dull your senses, decrease reaction time, and be potentially dangerous for yourself and others. It can also lead to very serious criminal penalties if you are convicted of a crime, such as:

  • Jail or prison time
  • High fines
  • Driver’s license suspension
  • High-risk insurance requirements
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device
  • Attendance at alcohol and driving safety classes

Before you go somewhere, know whether you plan to drink and make a firm choice. If you want to have a good time, have a plan in place for who will drive. 

2.  Get an Alternative Ride Home

If you had too much to drink to safely drive, that’s alright. Choose another way to get home instead. Ask a sober individual to drive you home, such as a friend or family member.

If no one is available to drive you home, use a cab or ride-sharing service to get home instead. You may also use public transportation like buses if they are available in your area. You do not want to get behind the wheel yourself if you could be over the legal limit, or are impaired.

3. Follow All Traffic Laws

One of the most common reasons drivers get pulled over is because of a separate traffic violation. This commonly includes:

  • Speeding or reckless driving
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  • Crossing over marked lines
  • Swerving
  • Driving especially slowly
  • Running a stop light

These and other traffic violations justify the initial stop by law enforcement. They can then investigate further if they suspect you have been drinking. 

4. Make Sure Your Car’s Registration Is Up To Date

Another common reason you can get pulled over is because your car’s registration is out of date. Bored law enforcement officers are often on the lookout for small violations such as this as an excuse to pull your car over.

Once they do, any suspicion that you have been drinking could turn into much more. In some cases, overzealous officers will assume you are drunk simply because you had a drink or two, even if it was many hours ago. Avoiding this problem to start with can help avoid a DUI.

5. Politely Refuse to Do Field Sobriety Tests and Roadside Breath Tests

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to agree to perform field sobriety tests or the roadside breath test. Field sobriety tests, like the one-leg stand test or walk and turn test are often difficult for sober people to perform in the best of conditions. If you have had any amount of alcohol, plus the less than ideal conditions on the side of the road, you are providing the officer evidence against you. 

You can also politely decline to take the roadside breath test. An officer is supposed to let you know that you have the option to decline, but many may try to tell you “I just want to see if you’re safe to go home.” 

If you are arrested and the officers want to test you back at the station, there are consequences for refusing this test. However, the roadside test before your arrest is completely optional.

Get Help To Avoid a Virginia DUI Conviction

At Battlefield Law Group PLLC, our DUI attorneys are ready to help you. We provide you practical and legal advice on how to defend your case and avoid a conviction.

Contact us today for a free consultation of your case.