out of state dui arrest

Out-of-State DUI Arrests: How Virginia Handles Them

The Commonwealth of Virginia has strict driving under the influence (DUI) laws for citizens and non-citizens alike. Out-of-state drivers are held to the same standards as anyone else. If you are caught driving under the influence you could face jail time, high fines, impacts to your driver’s license, and other penalties. Out-of-state drivers may face ramifications back home as well, depending on their home state’s DUI laws.

You could also be a Virginia resident who was arrested for a DUI in another state. This can mean penalties in that state as well as back home here in Virginia. It can be a complicated situation governed by both Virginia law and the other state’s laws.

Our Manassas DUI lawyers help out-of-state drivers defend their case and challenge the DUI charges against them. We also help Virginia residents who face DUI charges elsewhere. We use effective and tested strategies to fight back and help you in every way possible. 

Out-of-State Defendants Charged With DUI in Virginia

Visitors to Virginia are subject to the same driving laws as everyone else. This includes the state’s DUI laws. Here, a 

DUI is actually called driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence of drugs (DUID).  Whatever it is called, the ramifications are serious for you as an out-of-state driver.

Potential penalties for a first-time DUI offense may include:

  • A term in jail for up to 1 year
  • A mandatory minimum fine of $250
  • A possible maximum fine of $2,500
  • Points on your driver’s license and license suspension
  • Imposition of safe driving classes 

You could be restricted from diving within Virginia as a result of your conviction. The Court cannot directly take away your driver’s license when it is from another state. However, many states have laws that may take your license for a DUI conviction here in Virginia. Your attorney can advise you on what will happen in your situation.

Virginia Residents Charged With DUI in Another State

If you are charged with a DUI in another state, you will face the penalties and sanctions under that state’s law. You can defend your case in court, but if convicted, will have to deal with that state’s laws.

When you return to Virginia, you can also face sanctions here.  The other state will likely send information to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles about your conviction. Your out-of-state offense will likely be treated as though it occurred here in Virginia.

This means that you could be subject to:

  • Revocation of your driver’s license
  • Fees and other costs
  • Probation
  • Attendance in an Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)
  • Requirement that you install an ignition interlock device

Get an Attorney for Help with Out-of-State DUI Arrests

Whether you were arrested here or in another state, you need a Virginia DUI attorney to help. For those arrested here in Virginia, you will have to deal with unfamiliar courts and new laws you may not understand. Your attorney will help present a strong defense to your case.

For Virginia residents, you will need help dealing with the fallout of an out-of-state conviction. You still have rights that deserve protection so it is important to speak with a skilled Virginia DUI attorney about what happened.

Get Help With Your Out-of-State DUI Case

A Virginia DUI defense attorney is ready to help you with your out-of-state DUI case. Just because you are arrested does not mean you are guilty, and many defenses may be available in your case. Our team is highly familiar with the complexities of out-of-state DUI convictions and how we can help.

The Virginia criminal defense lawyers from Battlefield Law Group PLLC are strong criminal defense attorneys with in-depth knowledge of DUI laws and defensive strategies. Contact us today for a free consultation.