
Reckless Driving vs. DUI: Understanding the Differences in Virginia Law

There are several critical differences between a reckless driving charge and a Virginia DUI. Reckless driving relates to your actual driving behavior. DUI related to intoxication behind the wheel. Both can have serious consequences for your life, your driver’s license, and your freedoms. Our Manassas criminal defense lawyers at Battlefield Law Group PLLC can help…

DUI Convictions: Career & Licensing Risks in Manassas Virginia

How a DUI Conviction Can Affect Your Employment and Professional Licenses in Manassas Virginia 

A DUI conviction can have a significant impact on your professional licensure or employment in Virginia. An employer may be unwilling to hire or maintain the employment of a person with a criminal conviction. If driving is a part of your job, this can affect your ability to do the job. It can also affect…

ignition interlock

Virginia’s Ignition Interlock Program: What Offenders Should Know

Many people charged with or convicted of a DUI in Virginia will have to install an ignition interlock device. The ignition interlock program sets forth rules, regulations, and penalties related to the use of these devices. An ignition interlock device prevents intoxicated drivers from starting their motor vehicle. It can also provide reports to probation…