dui lawyer cost

How Much Do DUI Lawyers Cost in Virginia?

Facing DUI charges in Virginia can be a scary thing to deal with. You face potential jail time, high fines, the loss of your driver’s license, and several other big penalties. You need the help of an experienced Virginia DUI defense attorney to ensure your rights are protected. You may be wondering though: how much do DUI lawyers cost in Virginia?

Our Manassas criminal defense lawyers at Battlefield Law Group PLLC explain what to expect and the pricing options you have. Protect your constitutional rights with the help of the right attorney.

The Average Cost of Hiring a Virginia DUI Lawyer

It is hard to put an “average” cost on something as individual as legal representation. Each case is different and the total cost is based on many factors. Costs of representation may range based on the complexity of the case and the attorney’s experience. 

More experienced and skilled attorneys typically cost a bit more, but the results speak for themselves. These clients are best represented and their rights are better protected. Hiring your own attorney lets you pick who represents your rights in court, rather than having an attorney appointed that you did not get to choose.

Factors That Impact the Cost of DUI Representation

There are many aspects of a case that can affect its total cost. Each case is different, but the following factors may increase or decrease the cost of hiring a DUI lawyer:

  • Case Complexity: How complex a case is often translates directly the number of hours the attorney will have to spend on that case. For example, cases that involve multiple prior DUIs, children in the car, or complex scientific challenges are more complex than other DUI charges.
  • Plea or Trial: Whether the case ultimately pleas or goes to trial will also impact cost. A plea agreement shortens the amount of time spent on the case. A trial requires more prep and hours spent in the courtroom. However, the choice to plea or go to trial is one a defendant should make focusing on their rights and freedom, not cost.
  • Multiple Charges: Some cases have multiple charges in addition to the DUI. This affects the amount of time and complexity as well, meaning a likely higher cost. 

These and other factors affect cases in different ways. Speak to an experienced Virginia DUI defense attorney about the likely costs of your case.

Attorney Fee Structures in DUI Cases

There are also several ways that attorneys can charge for their services. These may also affect the total cost of representation.

Flat Fee Representation

A DUI attorney may offer a flat fee representation for a DUI case. The attorney estimates how long it will take to handle the case and chooses a fair number based on that information.

Hourly Rate

An attorney may instead charge a certain rate for each hour they spend on a defendant’s case. This rate is typically based on the lawyer’s skill and years of experience handling DUI cases. An hourly rate attorney may ask for a “retainer” which is like a down payment to help ensure some payment upfront for work they know they will have to perform. The client is then billed hourly after that in most cases.

Get Help With Your Virginia DUI From an Experienced Defense Attorney

At Battlefield Law Group PLLC, we offer you personalized DUI defense services. Our experienced attorneys battle against prosecutors and challenge the case against you. We offer fair rates and always focus on your constitutional rights first and foremost. 

Contact us today for a free consultation of your case. We are ready to help.