dui lawyer

Do I Need a Lawyer for a DUI in Virginia?

You need to have a lawyer to defend your case in Virginia. While you are legally allowed to represent yourself, it is never advisable to do so. A DUI can carry incredibly serious penalties, including the loss of your driver’s license, high fines, and even potential jail time. Lawyers understand the complex legal defenses that may save you from a conviction or reduce the penalties you could face.

Our Manassas criminal defense lawyers at Battlefield Law Group PLLC know that this is a scary time. A DUI charge can leave you feeling stressed and frightened. We are highly experienced in defending cases just like yours. Speak to our team today to learn more about how we can help.

The Penalties You Face From a Virginia DUI

You need a lawyer because of the serious penalties you could face if convicted. Whether this is your first time, or you have prior DUIs on your record, legal representation could make all the difference in how your case resolves. You are about to face both administrative and criminal proceedings, and your attorney can help you navigate both.

The Administrative Process After a DUI

You will face an administrative license suspension after a DUI arrest in addition to the criminal charges you face. These proceedings will apply if the driver had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher or if they failed to submit to an alcohol test. 

This process could result in the loss of your driver’s license, a suspension, or other potential penalties. This can be quite complicated and unrepresented people often face more serious penalties because they do not know how to defend themselves.

Criminal DUI Charges

You will simultaneously deal with drunk driving charges, called driving while intoxicated (DWI) under Virginia law. The prosecutor files charges against you but must prove them beyond a reasonable doubt. Your attorney will defend against these charges to seek a dismissal of them or reduce the penalties you might face.

Why You Should Hire a Virginia DUI Defense Attorney in Your Case

It is never a good idea to try to represent yourself when facing DUI charges. Prosecutors are aggressive and may take advantage of the situation when you are on your own. They may pressure you to plea to something they cannot actually prove, or you could face higher penalties because you did not know how to defend yourself.

A qualified attorney grants you important benefits, such as:

  • A Quality Investigation: A skilled DWI attorney knows how to investigate your case the right way. They look for weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case and any facts that could help mitigate what you face. 
  • DUI Legal Knowledge: Your attorney knows DUI law like the back of their hand. They have years of experience they put to work for you. Administrative and criminal proceedings have many nuances to them, and the law itself can be a confusing quagmire for anyone without a law degree.
  • DUI Defenses: A criminal defense attorney knows what legal defenses to raise in your case. They may file a suppression motion to exclude unconstitutionally collected evidence. They may challenge field sobriety tests and much more. These defenses could result in dismissal of your case or a reduction in the penalties you face.
  • Legal Representation: In preliminary proceedings and if the case goes to trial, you want an experienced defense lawyer by your side. The Court must hold an unrepresented person to the same standard as if they were a lawyer while in court. This puts you in a major disadvantage if you do not have an attorney.

Hire a Virginia DUI Defense Attorney for Help

At Battlefield Law Group PLLC, our team stands ready to help you defend your case. We want to speak with you to learn more about who you are and what you face. We take an individualized approach to every client so that you get the personal touch you deserve. 

Contact us today for a free consultation of your case